An example of the immune system failing to recognize foreign or abnormal cells is cancer. An example of diseases where the immune system attacks its own tissues include autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and MS. When people lose the ability to determine the difference between their own tissue and foreign tissue, they develop disease. All living things have the ability to discern “foreign” glycoproteins from their own tissues, to protect themselves from disease, and infection. The ability of our body to recognize foreign substances or particles, from “self” is the key to preventing our WBCs from attacking and killing our own red blood cells or attacking our own joints like Rheumatoid arthritis. Our white blood cells are like an army that provides a peremptory strike to kill the invaders it recognizes as foreign. When it comes to getting sick, we have a very complicated immune system of White blood cells that recognize foreign invaders that can make us sick, like viruses and bacteria, and mobilize special white blood cells from our thymus gland and other lymph nodes to attack and kill the virus before it makes us sick. Those people with O blood type don’t have any antigens on their RBCs, and AB people have 2 antigens. It is this antigen that provides the “Type” of blood. Our red blood cells carry a glycoprotein “antigen “ stuck to the outside of the Red blood cell. The other types are mutations that we have carried with us through our genetics….but what does blood type really mean? Here is a tiny bit of basic science. The original blood type was O, and it is the most common blood type in the world. We all have a blood type, either O, A, B or AB. Your blood type controls what your immune system views as dangerous. What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement.Diagnosing Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TDS).What is Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TDS).

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